Thursday 7 February 2013

A Sleepy Angel

After burning the midnight oil last night, working on new designs, I'm feeling a little sleepy... the big bowl of apple crumble and custard I've just had might have something to do with it too...

Time to put on my nightshirt and cap just like this little fellow.

He even has a bell on the end of his night cap.

With a pillow in his hand he's ready to rest his head and...zzzz.....

He's yawning already.

When I first made him I pegged him to a line just like the picture in Tilda's book.

This year I gave his wings a rest. He got to have a chair to himself.

In my Unfinished Project draw there are few nightshirts, caps and pillows waiting for angels. I best get making them!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

SHOP NEWS: At the Enterprise meeting today I showed some more samples I've been working on. It's so encouraging  to hear people say your designs and work are beautiful and wonderful. Worth burning the midnight oil for! Its giving me the confidence to crack on and make my ideas real. Tomorrow, sewing machine off, calculator on. Task, get my business plan completed.

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