Thursday 28 February 2013

A Doorstop with Holiday Memories

A few years ago I went on holiday to the Cotswold's with some of my dearest friends. When we were there we stumbled upon a shop with a great selection of material tucked away at the back of the shop.

I was very restrained and only bought 2 pieces of material. A fat quarter each of blue and brown.

I used them to make a doorstop.

As I didn't have any sand to hand I used glass beads for weighting. I didn't want a trip to the shops to delay the creative flow! I sewed the beads into a cotton bag and surrounded them with stuffing to protect them. They make my doorstop tinkle every time I move it!

The left-over material you'll see appear in other projects.

I didn't use a pattern to make my doorstop. I worked out the shape and size and myself. If you want to make one yourself try this site for ideas and patterns:

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 27 February 2013

An Outfit for an Eskimo

Well, I'm back up and about today, flu symptoms all gone. Will be very glad though when the weather starts warming up. In the meantime I'm wrapped up in layer upon layer of clothing...

When I was little my Mum must have spent hours knitting doll's clothes for me.

On the hunt for homemade things to show you I've come across outfit after outfit. I suspect the Present Making Factory was a Christmas ritual for her too.

Here's a knitted outfit with fur trimming...

I'm off in search of my hot water bottle!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Silky Sunshine

I've spent the day in bed sleeping off what feels like the 'flu'. So I'm wrapped up in bed writing this...

I've weighed up writing about tissue holders or the plague. Instead I thought I'd share with you some much needed sunshine. Much more positive. The plague can wait another day!

My friend did this silk painting for me. Sadly it's faded slightly, but then its 15-20 years old now.

 It does a good job of camouflaging the peep hole in my front door.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 25 February 2013

A Day of Laundry

I know, it's not really the most inspiring thing to write about... but it seems my washing machine has been on the go all day so here goes...

I bought this material from Laura Ashley at the same time as the material I used for the Duck Eggs, Flowers & Birds quilt.

I'm not normally one for stripes but the quality of this material was hard to resist.

Perfect for turning into a laundry bag.

I doubled the material over to make it stronger. I sewed up the sides, then turned over the top edges and sewed an open hem so white cording could be threaded through it to make a draw-string. I tied knots in the ends of the cording to keep it secure.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 24 February 2013

A Twirly Scarf

I'm sat here with my friend who has visited me for the weekend. She's crocheting a scarf while I write my blog. I thought in turn I would write about a crocheted scarf my sister made me.

She's made it using two different types of wool.

You can just make out the different textures in this photo. Black isn't the easiest colour to do this though!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 23 February 2013

Beanie Hat

I really could have done with this hat today. It was lovely and sunny, but goodness it was cold!

My sister crocheted it for me. It has silver wool in the edging.

Me, Mr C and my family went to RHS Garden, Rosemoor in Great Torrington to see the sculpture exhibition they had on display. The sculptures were dotted about in the gardens.

I thought these ones by Michael Kusz were amazing. They're made from  recycled materials. The birds are perched on old spades and mangles.

I'm a great believer in up-cycling old materials to give them a new life.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 22 February 2013

Teddy, Oh Teddy!

It was the turn of my youngest niece to have some 'Auntie' time today.

Off we went to the shops to buy some chocolate to make a chocolate cake. Then back home via the park. Of course, I just had to take my turn on the zip wire! It wasn't long before the cold made the decision for us to get home and get baking.

We decided to make a Teddy Bear cake. I got the mould and recipe ready.

We did a good job with our joint effort to make the cake.

However, he rose a bit too much in the oven. When it came to turning him out onto the wire rack...he fell apart. First he lost his head...then a paw...then another paw...

My 7 year old niece said "don't worry teddy, you're just going to have an operation" as we melted chocolate to 'glue' him back together.

Here's the finished bear...not quite the same as the one in the magazine...

He has a 'real' teddy bear nose, a bow tie and chocolate sprinkles on a layer of melted chocolate to give him a fur coat. Much needed in this weather!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 21 February 2013

A Juicy Lipped Dinosaur

I love working with different materials. I went through a phase of making animals from Fimo.

Here's a dinosaur...

To give you some idea of his size, he's about the length of an egg.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 20 February 2013

A Plastic Foot

I was so engrossed in organising photos for my blog that I lost track of time! It's late and nearly time for the email to be sent out to any of you who have subscribed to receive my blog by email. Eek!

In that time I've forgotten to have tea. How??? I love my food! And my feet are nearly frozen through. In desperate need of a hot water bottle I think. I must have been engrossed!

Keeping to the subject of's a foot I made in my first year of high school.

It was a brush but unfortunately the bristles started coming unstuck. Why didn't I think of gluing them back in? Hmm...I am prone to ditzy moments!

I made it by gluing layers of coloured plastic together...

...before cutting the shape of the foot by using a template. Holes were drilled for the bristles. Lots of time was then put into sanding and polishing the filed edges to make the foot nice and smooth.

Right, off to get some food. I'm starving!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 19 February 2013

A Tasty Treat

My niece and me have been working on the Tudor Costume today. The skirt of the dress is nearly completed. Very competently done by my niece after a quick lesson on how to set up and use her sewing machine.

I admit...we didn't do nearly as much sewing as we could have...we got completely distracted by lots of cake tasting... she had made this amazing cake and brought it down for me to try.

Not only pretty, it was delicious too!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 18 February 2013

An Angelic Pot Holder...part 2

Well, me and Mr C didn't make it to Cornwall yesterday. Instead we opted for South Devon. Burgh Island for beach and sunshine then onto Dartmouth for a look around the shops. We would have taken a trip on the river but tea and cake called me!

Thought I would share some photos of our trip...

Burgh Island is tiny. To get to it you have to drive down lots of small country roads. It's worth the drive.

It has an art deco hotel, where Noel Coward has stayed, and an inn built in 1336.

Its most famous for it's links with Agatha Christie.

When the tide is high you can only get to and from the island by this strange contraption... it's a sea tractor.

Then back in the car to Dartmouth.
Dartmouth has some amazing little independent shops. I came back refreshed and inspired and knowing I'm on the right track for my business! I just need to get a move on and get it set up!

Here's the second pot holder my friend made me...

I love this angel's hair. And her smiley face of course!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 17 February 2013

An Angelic Pot Holder...part 1

This was meant to be another quick blog. Mr C and me are escaping Devon for the day and I've got to get myself ready. We're off to Cornwall. Just going to get in the car and see where we end up. I'm driving as he's planned a hangover for today. Boys night out last night. What can I say?

Then I saw the photos I'd taken of the pot holders my friend made me and thought they didn't do them justice. They deserve to be shown off properly. A quick photography session later...

I wish my blanket stitch was as good as this...

Best dash! Enjoy your day.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 16 February 2013

Hat with a Flower

Here's a hat to keep away the winter cold.

With a flower for decoration.

Knitted for me by my sister.

Mamma Mia! You wouldn't believe how long it takes to write such a short blog. I keep getting distracted... I'm singing along to Mamma Mia. I don't know what's worse. Pierce Brosnan's singing...or mine...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 15 February 2013

A Heart for Valentines

Thought I would carry on the Valentine's theme with this love heart.

It has embroidery work...


and blanket stitch around each patchwork square.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 14 February 2013

A Bouquet of Roses

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

Here's a bouquet of roses I made out of Fimo.

Hmm, they look quite good in this shot.

Trouble is...the flower heads are so heavy they won't stand up in the vase...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx