Thursday 2 January 2014

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Cushion

I got an offer today I couldn't refuse...

To watch my nieces roller skating and cycling on their new skates and bikes. One near broken ankle later... I have a bruise to be proud of from catching one of them as they fell!

It was just what I needed (well...aside from the bruise...) blow the cobwebs away...and get rid of the last of this cold.

One of my new resolutions now firmly in go for a walk everyday. The downside to working from home is the day can fly by...and you've not seen outside from one day to the next. Or maybe that's just me... need a change of scenery sometimes to get the creative juices flowing!

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Cushion

Here's my make of the of my cushions from my winter collection.

Until tomorrow (and the last post for the 365 day challenge!),
Nic xx

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