Friday 3 January 2014

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Large Cushion (and Day 365 of the 365 Day Challenge!)

The day has finally arrived... drum roll...

Day 365 of the 365 Day Challenge! I did it. Whoop Whoop!!!

I hadn't started with any plan about where I was going to go with the challenge...just that I was going to write a post about something I had made...someone had made for me...or something that inspired me...

...with the hope...and determination...that my project draw...

...was going to look like this by the end of the year...

Wishful thinking...even with the best of quickly discover real life gets in the way.

The draw is still jam packed...only now with material for my business...

...and the projects took over my front room floor as I got organised to complete the challenge. I'm happy to say quite a few of the projects are now finished...and more are in progress.

How things have changed over the year...when I started all I had in my room was my chest of drawers full of material...

...and one table.

There's now three tables in there. One for cutting. One for sewing. One for designing and running the business. It's taken some doing but you need the right space to work in.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Large Cushion's my last 'Make of the Day' for the challenge.

A large cushion...available at Furniture different's most tactile sumptuous huggable cushion! Bliss!

I was going to give a run down on the things I've discovered about the completing the challenge...and the plans I have for my blog from now on.

I think I'll leave that for another post. For now...I'm going to take a well deserved week off...from blogging anyway...I've got my new designs to focus on!

Until the next time,
Nic xx

Thursday 2 January 2014

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Cushion

I got an offer today I couldn't refuse...

To watch my nieces roller skating and cycling on their new skates and bikes. One near broken ankle later... I have a bruise to be proud of from catching one of them as they fell!

It was just what I needed (well...aside from the bruise...) blow the cobwebs away...and get rid of the last of this cold.

One of my new resolutions now firmly in go for a walk everyday. The downside to working from home is the day can fly by...and you've not seen outside from one day to the next. Or maybe that's just me... need a change of scenery sometimes to get the creative juices flowing!

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Cushion

Here's my make of the of my cushions from my winter collection.

Until tomorrow (and the last post for the 365 day challenge!),
Nic xx

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Small Picture

Happy Happy Happy New Year to You!

I wish you all happiness, good health, a very prosperous, and fun New Year!

How many New Year's Resolutions have you broken already? Me...three...and we're only at day 1. Eek! One of them being...not to make any resolutions.

Mr C and me spent the day with his Mum, sister and friend.

Good company...good food. The last being why one of my other resolutions is now broken...not over indulging... more do do do and make things happen!

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Small Picture

Here's my make of the of my pictures from my collection.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx